Thursday, February 25, 2010

Foggy Winter Mornings

We certainly have been having a lot of fog lately. The wonderful frost that it leaves behind cries out to me to miss my regular work day and just go shooting. But I have responsibilities to my job so the frost will have to wait until next year when I am self employed. But it does not mean that I can not get up early and try some shots before the sun rises. This image was captured far too early in the day. But it sure shows that you can capture something special if you are willing to crawl out of bed and pursue your passion. This is the Saskatchewan Legislature in Regina.

The Beginning

Well it all starts somewhere doesn't it. Photography has been a major part of my life since I was a teenager. It has always been there, but only as a serious hobby. Now the I.T. profession that I jumped into in 1987 is about to become a part of my past as photography becomes my future.

In the spring of 2011, I will be opening the Extraordinary Light Fine Art Gallery. Located directly on the Trans Canada Highway in the historic little town of Fleming, SK. The gallery will also contain the Northern Lights Cafe which will be serving the finest coffee, cappucino, espresso and tea you can find on the Trans Canada as you cross the prairies.

While the idea of a gallery out in a small town may seem crazy, I have had such success with my art on the show circuit, that this is the next progression. When I leave my old career behind I might as well do my work where I can share it with an ever changing audience.

Since so much of my work celebrates the prairies, I would like to be a bit of an ambassador. They are welcome to stop and use the restrooms, grab a fine cup of their favorite beverage and if they desire relax in some comfy seating in the gallery or out on the covered deck. Hopefully they will buy an image to take with them as a memory of their trip.

I will use the BLOG as a bit of a way to document the birth of the gallery and coffee house and of course share some of my images from time to time.

Now if I could just find a contractor...
