Well another couple of weeks have past since we installed all the hanging lighting in the gallery. This past weekend, we went back and began to install the finished flooring on the main floor. We chose a hard wearing and attractive dark laminate flooring for the gallery last fall. A sale came up and we purchased it early due to the great pricing. So the flooring has been sitting in the gallery for months waiting for its time to be installed.
We worked hard and completed about 1200 square feet of the flooring!!! There is only a small area of laminate remaining in a hallway which we left undone for now due to the drywall taper, electrician and plumbers that are still coming and going up and down the hallway.
The picture is of the food service area in the gallery with Heather smiling at our success with the flooring installation. It looks beautiful. It was hard work for the two of us, but once we could look at it knowing it was finished, it became worth the work.
Of interest were the two floor mounted receptacles that had to be installed. I understand the need to keep them from getting wet while cleaning floors, but wow, were they complex things to get installed properly. I also discovered that the electrician had left that circuit live for some reason.... discovered it the hard way..... Oh well, it provided Heather with a laugh!!
So progress was made and we are continuing hard at things. More for you next week!!