Monday, August 8, 2011

Another day another storm

My wife and I were on our way home from the gallery Sunday night when we had to pass right through an ugly storm.  Lots of rain and heavy hail.  So heavy we had to pull off the road and wait for things to pass over.

As we drove away towards the clear skies ahead, I told my wife to keep watch behind us for a rainbow.  The conditions were right since the sun was now out and if I turned to face the storm, the sun would be behind me.  A couple of minutes down the road, Heather got real excited that a rainbow had appeared.  So I pulled off onto a grid road and positioned myself to see the rainbow with some wind turbines that were built in the Moosomin area last year.

Wow!!  Definitely the nicest rainbow I have ever photographed.  I hope you like it!


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